Our Services

We offer a wide range of high quality clinical and supportive services designed to help you take control of your health. Our clinical services include medical, dental, mental health, and pharmacy. Supportive services range from housing counseling to food assistance. 

Two people looking at a binder
Close up of hand receiving STI Test

STI Testing

Fast, free*, confidential. We provide comprehensive STD screening in three convenient locations.

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Nurse counseling man

HIV+ Medical Care

With over 25 years of experience, we offer comprehensive medical care to people living with HIV.

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LGBTQ person smiling

LBGTQ+ Medical Care

Mosaic Medical offers a welcoming, inclusive, and safe environment to access high quality affirming healthcare. Learn More →
Two Men Smiling

PrEP for HIV Prevention

Reduce your risk of acquiring HIV by 99% when taken as directed.  Daily pill or injectable options offered. Learn More →
Man hugging mother

Opioid Recovery

Anyone can overcome opioid addiction. We help get your health and life back together.  Let us help in your recovery.

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Dentist and dental assistant performing dental services


Clinical exams, periodontal treatment, dental radiology, fillings, crowns, partials, dentures, and oral surgery. Learn More →

Mental Health

Our team of mental health providers is trained to deliver specialized care in order to best meet the unique needs of the individuals that we care for.

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Specialty Pharmacy

Eddystone Pharmacy provides pharmacy services with an emphasis on the agency’s core medical services: PrEP, HIV, Hepatitis C, Opioid Use Disorder. Learn More →

Hepatitis C Treatment

Treatment for Hepatitis C using easy to take oral medications that cure Hepatitis C in over 98% of patients. Learn More →
ACG Health Mobile Treatment Unit


Our mobile treatment unit visits health fairs, community events, and groups looking for information to provide rapid testing, health education, and linkage to treatment.

Group photo with pink and white balloons

Food Bank

We offer congregate meals in select offices. Our food bank provides over 700 food bags per month.  Home delivery available.

Housing Counseling

Our housing counselors provide placement assistance and navigation of local housing resources.

Mobile Treatment Van Patient Intake


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